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What are public records?

Like the name suggests, public record is a bit of information that may be used in identifying a specific person and one that is available to general public. It’s unclassified information that is available to the general community. Public records could be of various sorts; what information is provided in a public record depends upon the sort of record.

For example, birth records offer you information about a person’s name, parent’s name, birth information such as date, time and place etc. Court records offer you information about a person’s court history.

What are the types of public records?

Public records could be broadly classified as individual public records and business/government public records. These are some forms of individual public records:

  • Birth record
  • Death record
  • Arrest record
  • Court record
  • Criminal record
  • County record
  • Driving record
  • Property record
  • Sex offender record

What is a mugshot?

A mugshot informally describes a police photograph or perhaps a booking photograph. This really is usually taken when the suspect is brought right into a police station for investigation. Mugshots allow police force agencies to truly have a photographic record of a suspect for identification purposes.

Who can access public records?

Public records are available for everyone to view. With respect to the nature of record that you’re trying to access, certain restrictions may be imposed. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is just a national law that lays down the regulations for accessing public records. Each state could also have its FOIA regulations that have to be followed while requesting public information.

How to access public records?

Public records can be accessed primarily in two ways. You could go to a local, state or federal government office or court office to obtain the public information. This choice is free unless you may not need copies, however it’s time consuming. Another option is to obtain the info online. There are lots of websites that allow you to look for public records of people with just the name of the person.

Most information can be obtained online; some states and local courts restrict online use of criminal or civil data. Several online websites offer public records free of charge while a lot of them charge a nominal fee. No matter what option you select, it’s recommended to verify the reliability with this information. Choose the one which is famous to offer accurate information from authorized sources.

Our Top Ranked Public Records Sites 2019

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Disclaimer: The sites we feature are based and reviewed according to our personal expert opinions, knowledge and views. We receive referral fees from the sites that we compare and review on and that's how we are able to provide you with our free and up-to-date online comparison tool. is an independently owned and operated website and referral commissions we receive do not have an effect on our opinions and/or rankings. All opinions expressed by our reviewers are our own and are unbiased. We do not review all background check sites.
Background Check Service Score Pros/Cons Bottom Line
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TruthFinder is our top overall choice for 2018! It has a very large and accurate database of criminal and arrest records and dozens of other record types.TruthFinder Review Visit Site
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BeenVerified stands out for its unique ability to help you remove private information from the internet and customized packages. BeenVerified Review Visit Site
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Largest & most well known people search engine. Search anyone confidentially. Award winning customer support. Easiest site to use by far. Instant Checkmate Review Visit Site
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PeopleFinders suits people who need comprehensive searches of public records. Slow and Expensive compared to alternatives. PeopleLooker Review Visit Site
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Unlimited Background Checks. Includes driving records, sex offender registry & dozens of other public records. Huge database. More expensive than competitorsSpyfly Review Visit Site

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